ぬわんと!映画館からは返事が来なかったが、あるブラジル人が,昔フィルムを貸していたのか、UCLAに向けて、『イパネマの娘』のフィルムを探しているメールが、なんとネット上に落っこちていた!!そこでそのメアドにコンタクトしたところ、返事が来て、「あなたのメールをプロデューサーに送ったよ」と解答が! 「続報に期待!」と言いたいところですが、フィルムのダメージが気になります。製作した1967年からちょうど40年以上も経ちますから。
Saturday, March 10, 2007 3:57 AMSubject: Seeking "Garota de Ipanema(1967)"
Dear YYY,
My name is XXX from Japan.
I am seeking for the film "Garota de Ipanema(1967)" directed by Leon Hirszman.
I heard it was showed in your theater in 2005.
And I found your e-mail to UCLA on the web.
So, I have the idea that it will show in the theater or release in our country.
Therefore we need to talk about the parson who has the right to sell and have master material of original film.
In fact, I already quited the film distribution company, but have experience to distribute "Moro no Brazil" directed by Mika Kaurismaki in Japan, and have parson in these distribution company to release it.
So, I only want to contact parson that has the right.
I hope you could help me.
Best regards
Hi JUN BROWN, I have sent this mail to Garota de Ipanema´producers. I hope it success weel.
All the best, YYY
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